Come on, Dude! I think I'm going bonkers! All you guys seem to think about right now is Christmas!!" Let me tell you.....Mah homie is a pretty cool dude - well, some of the time, if you take right now out of the equation ...
Cos he ain't looking none too pleased at being invited to blow out of our dump "toute suite". Picture this ... his funky vampire tee shirt from The Zombie blah-blah company is covered in the drippings from creme brulee ice-cream, slathered with dark chocolate sauce. Yep! You guessed it. One of the side-effects of vegging out in front of the TV. Yummee, you might say, but not if you could see this Mr. Grumpy in his crumpled, khaki pants. "Hear me out, Dude! Don't you go getting so bent out of shape!! Ah'm not askin' you to get "suited and booted", as our ol' limey friends would say ... just get your ass off the sofa, into the chevy and let's mosey into our downtown movie theatre to see the latest spooky blockbuster - wahoo!!" I can really turn it on, when I'm being persuasive, as you have probably noticed.
Dang! Much to mah surprise, mah meat and potatoes (as well as ice-cream!!) pal has seen the light and is busy cleaning up ready for our downtown sortie. Next thing, we're clambering into the chevy and high-speed motoring all the way along the freeway. After all, we don't want to miss the openers, do we? Well, on arrival at the movie theater car park, there I am attempting to park up and pay for our movie tickets - ain't I a generous guy? - when mah buddy suddenly wigged out on me. "Heck! What are we doing here? This is the most icy cold movie theatre in town! You know this. It's more like a morgue! Ah wanna split and go home!! Ah ain't freezin' ma xxxx off for anyone, pal!" This is when I call upon mah "piece de resistance" ( or something similar!) and reassure mah pal that I ain't about to clip him.
"Lookee here, Dude" as I pull out two of the most warm and snuggly-looking blankets (aptly named Snuggie) you have ever seen with ... Yep! You guessed it ... with sleeves in the most macho, deep royal blue colour and the most feminine pink colour. "You just get yourself covered up and snuggled down with this super-duper blanket (with sleeves) for the movie. How's about that for your first dinky Christmas present from moi?" Well, dudes, ah just wish you could be here to see the xxxx-eating grin on mah pal's face ... he had the last laugh!! His Snuggie was the royal blue one, while I disappeared right under the pink Snuggie. Don't ya sometimes wish you had taken your girl-friend? Don't get me wrong....a Snuggie is a Snuggie no matter what the colour. It is Christmas after all. Go for what you know ...
Product Description
Perfect for:
Traveling in the Car
Night Time Pub Crawls
Chilly Office Buildings
Sporting Events
Cold Movie Theatres
And much, much more!
Available in 2 Great Colours:
Royal Blue
Bright Pink
Your Package includes:
2 Snuggie Blankets at $19.99 each
Plus 2 Book Lights (Free Bonuses)