Reading the newspaper, drinking a warm cup of coffee and taking the occasional phone call from a family member or friend - this may sound like a typical Sunday morning for most people but for you, it's the drive to work.
Some may call you a danger to everyone around you as you careen through narrow streets and down the freeway, clipping your fingernails and talking on the phone, but you'd like to think of yourself as an effective "multi-tasker". And let's be honest, besides that one questionable incident on the bridge last year when you decided to alphabetize your CD collection and you ran over something that resembled a person, your driving record is spotless.
You like to be productive wherever you are and that's why you own the Jupiter Jack. The Jupiter Jack allows you to speak on your cell phone hands-free while you drive, or in this morning's case, complete that challenging Sudoku puzzle you've been working on for weeks.
And since you purchased your Jupiter Jack, you've never been more productive in your car. Why just this week you've balanced your checkbook, learned how to fold a perfect origami dove (challenge level 7), gave yourself a pedicure, learned the complete Thriller dance and you can even speak Portuguese fluently!
No longer are you one of those saps that have to use their "hands" to talk on their cell phone while barreling down the road and weaving in and out of traffic - you are a Jupiter Jack man and you've got better things to do with your hands.
Product Description
Jupiter Jack is an easy to use device that turns your car radio into a hands fee speaker phone. It is easy to use. Simply plug Jupiter Jack into your cell phone's headset jack and tune your car radio to 99.3 FM and start talking hands free. It's that simple. Jupiter Jack features a built in microphone that transmits your voice clearly while you hear your caller's voice clearly through your car's speakers.
Using a cell phone without a hands free device may not be sage and is illegal in many states. Now you will enjoy clear robust sound that only your car speaker can provide allowing you to conveniently talk and drive at the same time. Jupiter Jack works with any cell phone with a headphone jack. Some phones may require an adapter, the most common of which are included in the package.
Product Specifications
Easily talk and drive
Adapters Included
Battery Included
Instruction manual enclosed
Jupiter Jack works with any cell phone with a headphone jack. Some phones may require an adapter, the most common of which are included in this package. For those rare cases where the enclosed adapters do not fit your cell phone, we will mail the appropriate adapter to your home for just a small processing fee.
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