Oh, to be a child again. The innocent carefree bliss that pervaded your rose colored view of the world ... as you juggled curiosity and your imaginary friend Tony ... skipping, playing and running free...
And then you grew up. Responsibilities, stresses, relationships and survival became your comrade or bete noire depending on the period of your life. As you evolved away from holding your parents hands to cross the road, you looked to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to give you strength and inspiration. Your friends led you into other worlds. Suddenly, you had grown up ... you were invincible .. there were no limits. You could have it all.
Then one day you woke up. Your stuck working a 9-6 job at Corporate Hell. Your favorite part of the day is seeing boo-boo (your wife) when you get home at 8pm after LA traffic causes you to space out to 50 Cents' latest track for the 200th time. You eat dinner, put the kids to sleep, perhaps get some nookie (if it's Wednesday or Sunday) and await your midnight slumber.
You know something is missing. You can't think what it might be. Perhaps it is your childhood dreams that have been put to rest (RIP). You wanted to be a celebrity and learn to dance like Michael Jackson on acid. Now you are 44 years old, starting to sprout grey hair as if someone puts fertilizer on your head everytime you lay down. But all is not lost ... you have some of the most amazing children in the world. Little Sammy has just turned two .. he can walk faster than you and even his dance moves make you smile.
So ... to reconcile your inner banshee ... you decide to embrace Sammy's dreams to be the next dancing queen. He has the unusual behavior of just jumping up and dancing at the most inopportune moments (such as when your boss is proposing to his girlfriend!). Nevertheless, you want him to look at his best and embrace his habit - so you now carry a pair of mini stylish glittery retro sneakers on your keychain ... so he looks cool when he is getting down on his mock dance floor ... let's just hope he wants to be the next John Travolta instead ...
Contents:12 x Mini Retro Sneaker Keyrings (Yes, twelve!)
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