I can still hear those words ringing in ma ears! "If you make another boo-boo with another hooker, you're outta here for good! D'ya hear me, ya two-bit hustler?" ...
We've all been there, buddy. Caught "in flagrante" with a young floozie! There I was in my clunker with this flaky (but well-developed, if ya know what ah mean?) bearcat.......All eyes and mouth......Not me, ya stupid dumbass! We were looking for somewhere to chow down before making whoopee in my old, gnarled but fantabulous '83 Mustang SVO. The offer of a Big Mac ain't well received. This gabby gal ain't settling for anything less than an IHOP favourite, starting with a Rooty-Tooty Fresh 'N Fruity, followed by a Crispy Banana Caramel Cheesecake. Slurrrrrrrp...Slurrrrrp! That's just for starters!
Now I ain't exactly gagging for it, but I certainly ain't getting any younger, so I have to have a game plan to be sure of a good bang for ma buck, if ya follow me, dude. Planning for the next barn-burner requires good timing and ah need the right tools for the bomb, buddy. Me ol' ticker ain't what it used to be....not that I'm a cream puff, but ya have to plan for all eventualities, including the arrival of a wet blanket. Yup! Meaning me other half, of course!
The trouble is, me other half, turns up at IHOP. Boy! She can scarf down as well as you and me, buddy...specially when she cops a load of me and ma bearcat. That Crispy Banana Caramel Cheesecake goes flying past me at the speed of light, with me other half pulling me by the ear and leading me out of the restaurant, screaming in ma lug-hole "If you make another boo-boo........." Well, the rest is history, folks, which brings me to ma latest gadget. It's perfect for those of us who have people to see, places to go and need to keep in touch with our other half...are ya with me? This gizmo is off the charts for the way it gives you total wireless freedom, crystal clear communication and excellent talk time. It's the Quikcell QThree QBluetooth in all its glory......go take a peak!
Product Specification:
Q9400 Bluetooth Headset
AC/DC Power Adapter
Universal Pouch
Heavy Duty Case
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