Do you have any idea what lava can do to you? Well, I’m not going to wax poetic about science fact. Just know that you will melt. If any of that hot mess touches you, you will melt. Yes melt… Not explode, not burn… MELT! Does that sound like any way you want to go down? Can you imagine watching your legs melt underneath you? Forget for a second the psychological impact of seeing this. Can you fathom the pain that would cause? You know the feeling when you burn the roof of your mouth with hot pizza cheese. Multiply that by about 10 billion. That will start to give you idea of the pain.
The earth hates us. Hence it makes volcanoes to vomit liquid fire all over us.
Now own this natural wonder on your desk.
The Real Volcano Amazing Visual Convulsion
Changing Light Effects.
It can take your endless fun?
Side Packaging
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