We wander through the daily grind with plans of fulfilling these ideas of grandeur. What do we want? Is it to be remembered for something great? Or perhaps we want to see the edge of our potential. I sit here writing this semi-blog/description, knowing full well no one will fully read it. So I settle on the fact that this tiny piece of my psyche I am spilling on to the page will someday prepare me for something greater. Or perhaps this is the plateau of my artistic exposure. I have had modest success in my small sphere of influence. Basically, I've written, directed, and shot crappy videos all over the greater Tampa area. Not exactly the hotbed of the film industry. So the question constantly rises in my head if I have what it takes to be great. That's all I really want to do. Be great at something and be happy doing it.
At what point to we give up on trying to be great? Is it when we get buried in credit debt? Is it when we get married or have kids? Or perhaps it's when we realize that we aren't great at anything. Nothing we have to offer is at the upper echelon of quality. At that point we look to the heavens and ask .. Is this it? Do I keep on grinding or do I just wait for things to fall in my lap?
All I know is that I still have that burning in my belly. That feeling that there is something for me out there. The key I believe is to stop whining and keep working. Curveballs of crap will always hit in your strike zone. It's just how many of them are we willing to swing at before we strikeout. Try not to give up hope.
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