Maybe perhaps we
all recognize the inherent evil in everyone, that we are so quick to
forgive transgressions. With the development of instant news, one
begins to understand how much evil happens on an hourly basis. No
longer are the days of sweeping things under the rug. If someone is
there, chances are you are going to have some sort of digital
documentation. Any schmuck with a cell phone is now a potential Dan
Rather waiting to blow the whistle on something we already know exists,
but don’t admit. Evil is everywhere all the time. I say evil, because
I don’t have another word for it. Words can’t possibly explain the
atrocities that we see every day. At the same time we are very quick to
forget them.
Has it always been like this, or are we just
now noticing it? I won’t waste time listing the things that make my
stomach turn every day. What I do recognize is that the decisions we
make no longer include responsibility. Honor is out the window and
passing the buck is our new pastime. If we don’t care about honor, why
do we care about having a clean record? Is it so we can continue our
patterns of behavior and keep on destroying lives? Is this destructive
behavior an addiction? I saw an amazing film last week that ties these
ideas together. Kathryn Bigalow’s “Hurt Locker” focuses on an army bomb
technician that gets off on the adrenaline of almost dying every day
defusing IED’s in Iraq. Even when he’s shipped back to the comforts of
his home in the US he finds himself lost without his drug.
/>Is America addicted to destruction? Have we opted to get-off on the
misery of others. Even media outlets that claim neutrality obviously
exploit all destructive situations. Is this a pattern that no one is
checking each other on? Just because we have the most guns, doesn’t
mean we can’t be a beacon for others to admire. By what means can we
start to turn this trend in the other direction?
I have one
idea that I know works. Once a day make it a priority to do something
good for another person. This idea works especially well if the person
is a stranger. It could be as simple as opening a door and smiling, to
pulling over and pushing someone’s car a half mile. Do it and you will
be amazed on how this will start to change your point of view. It’s
corny, but it’s true. The world is truly what we make it to be. In one
unified point-of-view, we can change the tide.
And if you
want to change vegetables and such, try the Slap Chop.
/>America’s number one Food Chopping Machine.
opening to clean blades.
No changing blades.
/>Combine food as you chop!
Rotating stainless steel
Separates outer skin from onions and garlic.
The more you slap, the finer the food!
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title="Slap Chop">Slap Chop
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