Vanity fair, an illicit affair, changing your nightwear after your rendition of Fred Astaire ... you are on the quest for notoriety and of course to be seen as debonair ...
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Product Description
Originally sold for $25.
186 pages.
The concept of "preferred" is everywhere in our society today, and it's particularly evident in the adult nightclub industry where preferred VIP service has taken the titty bars of two decades ago and turned them into the upscale adult nightclubs of today. As the only national business magazine and annual convention for the multi-billion-dollar adult club industry for nearly two decades, we thought it was time to bring this concept of preferred into our annual reference guide.
With that in mind, Exotic Dancer's VIP guide is the definitive, one-stop reference guide to preferred clubs, vendors and entertainers. The 2009 Guide has three very specific sections, including: (1) adult nightclubs, (2) industry vendors and (3) touring feature entertainers.
It doesn't stop here - you will receive the Exotic Dancer VIP Club Card - giving you free admission at more than 850 topless and nude gentlemen's clubs in the United States, Canada and overseas. Assuming that entry fees for clubs range from $5 to $15 within the USA - you can easily see the value of having this VIP card with you at all times...
Story Continuation...
Cupid has not been on your side recently - your last relationship was blunted because you cheated - always thinking the grass is greener on the other side ... perhaps because your pride caused you to get all glass-eyed and suddenly .. boom ... you lied and now you are experiencing the heart's divide...
Yep, that's the downside for having an insatiable appetite for the limelight - now the recognition hits that sometimes a spotlight would suffice ... even with the consideration that you are delish. So, how to get out of the mess? One could go crawling back and express this newfound insight - "my dear I've realized you are quite a delight! you've truly blinded my sight ... I tried to fight it with all my might but I'm going to be forthright - I want you back. Goodnight!" ...
If that fails - do not despair, somewhere out there is someone that will lick your wounds. In the interim, if you feel lonesome and you want something to lift your spirits up - you always have the option of a buxom beautiful woman caressing your ego for a moment or two.
However, you don't want the company of just anyone - you want attention from the most exclusive exotic women on the planet. "A man's only as old as the woman he feels" - Groucho Marx. So, where does one find these beautiful young ladies? You could drive down to where the locals go .. but you know in your heart that you will be disappointed by the menu. What you need is a guide - someone to hold you hand and show you all the hotspots. Where would you find that?
Well.. we have the answer for you - the Adult Club Industry's Exotic Dancer VIP 2009 Guide...
Additional Images
VIP Club Card
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