Cor blimey guv'nor! I can't adam and eve it ... it's Friday night and we haven't got any plans... Hey Sam what can we do?" ...>
Sam scratches his head, puts on his best non-chalant mischevious look and smiles "Well me ole' matey, we can always go and grab a drink at the local watering hole!" ... succeeded by a loud laugh "We both got a spare pony or two... so we can really go at it tonight" ... his grin now looks more sinister than friendly ...
Ben grabs his cell phone and heads to the door, waving Sam over. As they exit out the door ... Ben shakes his head as the knowingness of the preceding evening floods his mind. He feels an excitement that he has not felt since that weekend with Tiffany and Bianca ...
Sam starts the car up, overrevving the engine to display the intensity of his pent-up angst - patience now seen as the venom that would ultimately cause this locomotive to self-destruct ... leaving both of them wallowing in the pain of boredom.
As they swiftly cruise towards Bobby's (the coolest pub on the Westside) - they mentally prepare themselves for the most hedonistic evening they will ever have ...
BOOM! Ben wakes up slumped in his bed - still wearing the same clothes as the previous evening. He quickly checks his wallet ... all his money is gone and he has a headache like never before. He has a flashback or two of his evening of debauchery ...
As he stands up - he realizes how much his feet hurt - suddenly the memories of the night flood in ... damn! the car broke down and they had to walk home. Sure, it's only a 3 mile hike - but after eight shots of Tequila - it feels more like a marathon! Ben looks in his drawer and finds a pack Pampered Toes - the soothing cooling relief that his feet desperately need! At last ...
Product Description
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