and tested by Law Enforcement Agencies worldwide - this is the perfect
personal defense item because it is effective and non-lethal. It has a
dye that marks the attacker for positive ID. It has an effective range
of 12 to 15 ft.
States Where Pepper Sprays are Restricted
New York: New York residents may only purchase defense sprays from
licensed Firearms Dealers or licensed Pharmacists in that state.
Massachusetts: Massachusetts residents may only purchase defense sprays
from licensed Firearms Dealers in that state.
States Where Pepper Sprays Have Some Restrictions
Michigan: OC Pepper spray can be no stronger then a 2% concentrate
(Different companies can sell different concentrations.) CS is the only
Tear Gas accepted and can be no larger then 35 grams per can. No
combination spray allowed.
Wisconsin: Pepper only. No Tear gas, UV Dye or combination sprays. OC
can be no stronger then a 10% solution. Can must be between 15-60 grams
only. Must have safety feature.
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